In 2020, the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) proposed multiple changes to the rules and regulations concerning renewable energy certificates (Docket No. 16-12-29).

The proceedings around the regulatory changes have been ongoing for a years with multiple motions and extensions granted for the rule. This year, PURA took steps to establish February 29, 2024 as the final enforcement date of the rule.

In its final form, the rule is unclear on whether providers of voluntary renewable energy certificates (RECs) are considered suppliers of electricity and thus subject to a myriad of regulations formerly reserved for electric suppliers only. During the rulemaking process, the PURA was asked to clarify the treatment of voluntary RECs under the rule. In the final rule, the matter was not resolved. As a result, we believe we can no longer provide Sustainable Choice in Connecticut in the same manner as was provided by Arcadia. Accordingly, we have made the difficult decision to end our services in Connecticut until such a time the rules are clarified.

To that end, we are ending all sales of RECs in the state and cannot match RECs for customers going forward as of the effective date of February 29, 2024. This means we will not be able to match RECs to our customers’ March 2024 usage or any time thereafter.

Similarly, discontinuing our REC service means we will also stop BillPay, utility bill management services for Connecticut. Connecticut customers will need to pay power bills directly to their utility providers, as we will no longer be permitted to provide this service. It’s important for customers to update their utility account details to ensure bill notifications are sent directly to their personal email or home address, preventing missed payments.