Sustainable Choice does not have any cancellation fees and you are welcome to cancel your account at any time.

If you wish to cancel your account, there are three ways you can quickly accomplish this task.

Self-Service: You can easily log-in to your Sustainable Choice personal dashboard. Scroll down to “Manage Your Account” and underneath you will see each property you have enrolled in Sustainable Choice. Click on the property where you wish to cancel Sustainable Choice and select “Manage Address”. Your address will appear and you will see a link entitled “deactivate address”. Click “deactivate address” and your plan will be canceled for that particular property. If you wish to cancel more than one property repeat this process for each address.

Email: Please email us at from the email on file with your account and use the subject line ‘Cancel My Account’. Our team will process these requests in the order they are received.

Phone: You can also reach out to us by phone at 1- (888) 235-1538. One of our renewable energy experts can assist you in cancellation.