We’re On A Mission

Renewable Energy provides a host of benefits to humanity at large. At Sol Systems, we want to ensure that this form of energy’s growth also positively impacts the local communities where renewable energy systems are located. The word sustainability is tossed around a lot. Sustainability is about providing environmental, economic, and social benefits while ensuring long-term balance between the three. Sustainable Choice was created to include a component to assist local communities and positively impact people as we scale our renewable energy resources.


Renewable Energy provides a host of benefits to humanity at large. At Sol Systems, we want to ensure that this form of energy’s growth also positively impacts the local communities where renewable energy systems are located. The word sustainability is tossed around a lot. Sustainability is about providing environmental, economic, and social benefits while ensuring long-term balance between the three. Sustainable Choice was created to include a component to assist local communities and positively impact people as we scale our renewable energy resources.


Our national and global dependence on non-renewable sources of energy is simply unsustainable. We need look no further than to the starks of climate change that become increasingly extreme as man-made carbon and other forms of pollution continue to impact our human life support systems, as known as the environment. Our nation and many states set aggressive carbon reduction and renewable energy growth goals to address climate change. Meeting these goals will not happen through good intentions and wishful thinking. This moment requires action. Sustainable Choice is designed to create action at scale. Anyone and everyone can join together to bring about rapid change in our energy supply through Sustainable Choice.


The renewable energy industry is growing rapidly, now employing over 400,000 Americans. As we work to ensure U.S. energy independence, we have the opportunity to rapidly grow the renewable energy workforce and transition every American community into a beacon of change and opportunity for generations of work to come.